Embracing, Encouraging and Celebrating Change
Celebrating Change
In this episode, Sarah and Pam discuss:
The paradox of wanting change while wanting things to stay the same.
Why change is so hard How confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance prevent change.
How resistance to change is related to our inherent need for safety and security.
A powerful question to ask yourself if you're resisting change.
How being flexible and open to new information and ideas can make growth easier.
How reflecting on who you were 10 years ago can help you become the person you want to be next.
How societal and group pressures can hold you back from making changes and how they can help change stick.
Using reframing to think about change as a powerful positive.
Thinking about successful change as necessary evolution.
How making other people feel comfortable changing helps you feel confident about making changes.
How tracking the changes you've made reinforces your ability to make more changes.
Using your journal to see how much you've changed.
Seeking evidence that is contrary to your belief to create opportunities for growth.
Embracing that you could be wrong How holding opinions lightly can improve your communication and relationships.
Full transcripts available at www.easiershow.com