“My confidence, sense of calm, and creativity have all increased exponentially thanks to Sarah.”
— Pamela Lund
Marketer and Founder of That Pam Chick
Co-Host (with Sarah!) of A Little Bit Easier Podcast
Sarah's superpower is solving the problem you didn't know you had that's actually causing the problem you think you have.
I came to her thinking I needed systems and accountability to be more productive so I could feel less stress and anxiety. Sarah could see right away that I was already productive enough but that what I was producing and how I was approaching it wasn't achieving my goals.
Through our conversations and the assessments she uses we uncovered perfectionism, people pleasing, and overachieving tendencies which, left un-examined, would cause stress and anxiety no matter how much I accomplished.
Sarah gave me the mindset tools to use to recognize when these tendencies were affecting me and practices to overcome the negative effects of the tendencies.
When I made my first appointment with Sarah, I was so overworked and stressed out I didn't have the bandwidth or mental capacity to complete a creative project that I'd been working on for 2 years.
By the end of our 6-month engagement, not only had I completed the first draft of that project but I'd started a podcast, laid the groundwork to launch a new company, and enrolled in a degree program for a hobby-turned-marketable skill.
My confidence, sense of calm, and creativity have all increased exponentially thanks to Sarah.
Working with her exceeded my expectations (and I have very high expectations).
“My goal came to fruition in a bigger way than I ever imagined…”
— Rebecca Raskind
Senior Vice President, CLD PR , Los Angeles
Founder Renouveau Hom, Stylish Home Revivals
When goal-mapping with Sarah, I had a clear goal to buy a flip property by the end of the year. My goal came to fruition in a bigger way than I could have ever imagined: I’m now a real estate investor on a huge high-profile project! It’s truly beyond my wildest dreams. This project is the launchpad for the next phase of my life and career. This wouldn’t have happened without Sarah.
I’ve taken a huge leap in my life and career by cutting back to part time at work —on my terms. I now have time to focus on my other interests, real estate investing and philanthropy, and be more present at home with my family.
I had been wanting to make these kinds of changes for literally YEARS. It took only 6 months of working with Sarah to actually get it done.
When I came to Sarah I was stuck. I had been at the same company for nearly 10 years and had other opportunities I wanted to pursue alongside my work in PR. Although I knew I had talents and gifts to offer, I lacked the confidence to make a change, and didn't have a crystal clear plan on how to proceed. I felt overwhelmed and paralyzed.
Sarah was able to reveal my own clarity and confidence that had been muddied up by external circumstances. She has an ability to wade through our conversations and deliver crystal clear goals and action items. This really helped me learn to trust my own voice, build confidence, and take necessary steps to achieve the life I was meant to lead.
Really, I learned that I had the answers all along — Sarah helped me see them, and trust that everything I wanted was possible. My previously fuzzy goals have become crystal clear, and I’m confident and assertive in pursuing them.
My friends and family have all noticed the difference in me and the steps I am taking in my life. I’m proud of how much I've grown and feel extremely optimistic about the road ahead.
The sky’s the limit!
“When I wanted to reach the next level in my career, and realized that I needed help, I set out to find the best professional coach around…”
— Chris Menezes
Personalization Expert, Accenture
My journey working with Sarah spans nearly two years, initially as a student in her Leadership Presence course through UofT, and later as a client benefiting from her professional coaching expertise.
Sarah has provided invaluable guidance, and I'm very grateful for her support in fostering both my professional and personal growth.
“Sarah has a rare combination of infectious enthusiasm, vision and practicality.”
— Jeff Warren
Meditation Teacher and Writer
Co-Author of NYT bestseller, Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics with Dan Harris
At a difficult time in our freelance lives, Sarah helped my wife and I create a work-life roadmap that we still regularly consult. It can be hard to get perspective when you’re embedded in your routines. Sarah does exactly that.
Her years of experience made us feel less alone; we learned, to our great relief, that our challenges were a lot like the challenges that everybody faces.
Thank you, Sarah!
“I have a new sense of power and autonomy.”
— Michelle Martin
Actor and Playwright
Our work together did wonders.
Sarah was able to objectively assess my current situation and help me to envision short term and long term goals -- as well give me the skills and techniques to put those goals into action.
I was going through a very stressful, difficult transition in my life, and Sarah offered the support I needed, as well as an incredible ability to help me clarify my needs, values, strengths and goals.
I had attempted to work with a coach previously, but lacked a sense of trust. With Sarah, I felt trust immediately. She gave me consistency, accountability, real strategy, follow up, and ultimately, compassion. A personal investment. I did not expect to feel so cared for.
At the end of our time together, I knew which direction I needed to go in and felt a new sense of power and autonomy.
She has great empathy, as well as insight into the human condition.
Her positive attitude is infectious, we laughed a lot, and our interactions were a tonic for my soul.
“Sarah is an amazing coach. She’s helped me find answers to tough questions and guided me step-by-step to better understand myself and my life. I have a much deeper understanding of myself and my purpose in life.
Words can’t describe how thoughtfully she guided me... Before and after each session she spent lots of time to reflect and take notes on my thought process, and she kept laying out other possible roadmaps that I could take practical actions that eventually led to many positive outcomes in my life.”
“I’ve developed new behaviours and patterns, almost without realizing it. The results have been profound. “
— Darryl King
Founder of Ireckon Collective & Fantasy Author of the All In Jest Book Series
Sarah is a wonderful person to work with, both in her skills and manner. She has customized our sessions to work on what I needed at any given time, and the results have been profound.
Right now, I am facing the types of challenges in my working and day to day life that I was 12 months ago when I first started working with Sarah as my "performance coach".
Looking at how I am handling each of those challenges now compared to back then is completely different. I wanted Sarah to help me find my way out of repeating the limiting patterns I was experiencing and the evidence has been staring me in the face for the last month.
I've developed new behaviours and patterns, almost without realizing it.
I am so glad I took the leap to start when I did, my only regret is I didn't do it sooner.
“Practical, inspiring, and directly applicable to my career and work-life balance.”
— Deanna Choi
Multi-Award Winning Composer and Designer at Split Brain Sound
Sarah Lang is an incredible teacher, mentor, and coach. She uses a thoughtful, non-judgemental approach that is directly applicable not only to my career, and overall work-life balance, personal relationships, and even the support I give to my own students.
I couldn't recommend her more readily.
“Sarah changed the course of my life.”
— Nicola Elbro
Certified Play Therapist and Registered Psychotherapist
Sarah helped me uncover new ideas and achieve goals I was afraid to entertain on my own. She helped me identify unhelpful negative thought patterns and taught me to motivate myself from a place of self-compassion. I now run a successful business as a play therapist and children's grief counselor, and I have Sarah to thank.
Her wisdom, compassion and abundance of positive energy keeps the process rolling along quickly. She changed the course of my life during a time when I really needed it and I can't thank her enough!
I feel so much more myself – I know I am now following the best path for me.
“Sarah Lang has been my coach for years, and I happily recommend her to my friends and colleagues. Sarah’s work is collaborative and effective. She goes deep with a light touch — I walk away from sessions inspired by new ideas versus overwhelmed with the next steps. She has helped me accelerate some of my biggest life, career and even romantic goals. She is kind, honest, and a genuine champion for others. I trust Sarah implicitly.”
“I see the work I do with her as essential on my journey towards being an effective leader who is always learning.”
— Naresh de Silva
Diretor, Marketing & Strategy, University of Toronto
Sarah has been instrumental in helping to build my leadership and public speaking skills. I first met her when she was the instructor on UofT's public speaking and presentation course, where the tactics and skills I learnt from her totally transformed my approach to preparing for and delivering presentations.
Having had such a positive experience learning from her and seeing immediate results, I hired Sarah as my leadership coach to access my inner leader. Guided by Sarah, I have worked on understanding my core values, noticing my saboteurs, and practicing mindfulness.
The results have been improvements in every aspect of my life, especially in my personal and professional relationships, and immediate gains in my level of self-confidence. It's been close to a year of leadership coaching with Sarah, and I see the work I do with her as essential on my journey towards being an effective leader who is always learning.
“The amazing Sarah Lang…. This lady is the shit!“
— Jen Cook
Storyteller, Singer, Co-founder of H2O Getaways, a Boutique Houseboat Rental Company
I came to Sarah looking for help with one aspect of my life and – not surprising to anyone who knows her – all aspects have benefited.
More and more I feel as though I am blossoming into the person I’ve always wanted to be with more joy, enthusiasm & resilience.
Sarah is honest, direct, a deep listener and joyfully present.
I am thrilled to work with her!
“As my coach, Sarah was exactly the boost I needed”
— Natalie Ruskin
Leadership Coach, Journalist and Host of A Success of Our Own Podcast.
As my coach, Sarah was exactly the boost I needed to help me take some action I was putting off in my business.
A real professional at this craft, Sarah brought the perfect blend of thoughtful listening and accountability to our work together. As a no-BS journalist and now a coach myself, I knew that I needed the support of someone who wouldn't let me off the hook but would also be intuitive enough to read between the lines when some deep listening was required.
I'm so grateful for humans like Sarah who bring rigour and authenticity to this growing world of coaching.
“Amazing coach and facilitator“
— Michelle Paguandas
Human Resources, Dillon Consulting
I attended a goal setting workshop with Sarah...and it was an eye opening and moving experience.
Sarah is an amazing coach and facilitator. Her warmth, guidance and compassion throughout the workshop created an environment where we were able to open up and really delve deep into what we wanted to achieve.
I highly recommend Sarah…she is truly an inspiration!!
“Sarah's coaching was instrumental for me in effectively navigating a recent job transition.
— Brandon Malmberg
Education Human Capital Consultant, Los Angeles
Her approach helped me slow down or speed up when I needed to, to recognize my strengths and self-imposed barriers, and to ultimately get the clarity I needed on where I wanted to go.
Her style leads with empathy and authenticity, and also provided the accountability I needed to do what I said I wanted to do.
As a bonus - Sarah is a talented communication coach and she helped me distill down the messages that I wanted to convey to potential clients once I determined I wanted to pursue independent work.
“Instrumental in helping to build my leadership and public speaking skills.”
— Grethe Liverud
Buyer at Loblaw Company. Yoga Therapist and Instructor.
Sarah has been instrumental in helping to build my leadership and public speaking skills. I first met her when she was the instructor on UofT's public speaking and presentation course, where the tactics and skills I learnt from her totally transformed my approach to preparing for and delivering presentations. Having had such a positive experience learning from her and seeing immediate results, I hired Sarah as my leadership coach to access my inner leader.
Guided by Sarah, I’ve worked on understanding my core values, noticing my saboteurs, and practicing mindfulness.
The results have been improvements in every aspect of my life, especially in my personal and professional relationships, and immediate gains in my level of self-confidence. It's been close to a year of leadership coaching with Sarah, and I see the work I do with her as essential on my journey towards being an effective leader who is always learning.
I recommend working with her to anyone who wants to improve their leadership and/or public speaking skills.
“What truly set Sarah apart was her ability to connect with our class, a group of aspiring executive women. She effortlessly built rapport, commanding respect and fostering an environment of interactive learning. It was clear her influence extended beyond the lessons, inspiring these future leaders.
I found her approach refreshing and appreciated the interactive elements she incorporated. I can confidently recommend Sarah to anyone seeking an influential and knowledgeable instructor in Public Speaking, Leadership, and Cybersecurity, and I am looking forward to further mentorship. ”
“Sarah helped change the trajectory of my career as a mainstage comedian. She has the magic touch.”
— Rachelle Elie
Mainstage Stand-Up Comedian
I've been creating and performing my unique brand of comedy for over 20 years. Being self employed, staying motivated and on track with goals is often a big struggle.
I have read ALL the self help books and have done the "Artists Way" at least 5 times!
For years, I've struggled to feel less distracted, more efficient with my daily time management and have more defined annual career goals.
Sarah has the magic touch! She has a real gift for helping me narrow in on my goals and help me honour them in a very clear and inspiring way.
I feel a clarity of purpose that I haven't felt in years, I can’t tell you how excited I am right now!
“This journey has helped revive my motivation to pursue my dreams”
— Tharnya Sivanithy
Health Promoter and Writer
After working with Sarah, I have a better sense of the direction I’d like to take my life. That clarity makes a huge difference.
Sarah has a knack for uncovering the heart of any problem and empowered me to recognize that I had the answers all along. With her steadfast guidance, I became cognizant of my strengths, broke down goals into doable action items, and continued to refine the leader within me.
When I reflect on the person I was when I first met Sarah, to the person I am today, I can proudly say that I’m more confident and self-aware. I have also stepped out of my comfort zone in many realms of my life.
This journey has helped revive my motivation to pursue my dreams and identify next steps to make it happen.
“It felt like a risk to spend money on myself like this. But it was definitely worth it.“
— Aiofe O’Looney
ACCA Corporate Accountant
I hired Sarah after being thrown into the world of motherhood for the first time. I needed help to figure out what I wanted from this next stage in my career and life. I had never used a coach before and since I was on mat leave, it felt like a risk to spend money on myself like this.
But it was most definitely worth it! Sarah knows her stuff.
I learned tools that allowed me to re-enter the workplace with much more confidence. In fact, I even landed a job at a new organization straight away which is a better cultural fit and gives me more work-life balance.
I have a far more positive outlook on life, specifically related to my value in the work place. This is huge for me as I was a seasoned non-believer in my own self worth!
It’s incredibly easy to talk to Sarah. She picks up on specific details, makes connections and proposes solutions with such ease! She helped me gain a new understanding of my own behaviours and how they were holding me back.
I was forced to think, to face my own demons – and to do so despite my resistance to it! Sarah did this all with an upbeat, positive and non-challenging and non-confrontational manner.
There was never, ever an attitude of “I know everything, so listen to me.” In fact quite the opposite – her style is very much: “You know the answer to this, so let’s pull that out!”
Sarah is incredibly positive and uplifting. Sessions with her are like a warm hug — you walk away feeling more secure and energized and also ready to conquer the world.
“It’s worth it, its worth it, it’s worth it!
My one-on-one coaching with Sarah moved quickly. She seemed to immediately understand my urgency to see movement on various goals. We set up a work plan that was reasonable and, almost more importantly, was filled with mantras about WHY I was doing these tasks.
She’s such a natural; she has energy that engages, inspires and calms.
5 star experience.”